February Snow, 2003
It is Feb 25 2003, about 3:30 PM.
Margaret has gone to the doctor to get some weight gain pills. She had a new dental plate put in a couple of weeks ago and has not been able to eat solid food for two weeks, due to the pain. During this time she lost weight and fell below 90 pounds.
Her appointment time was 2:30, over an hour ago. And now it has started to snow. I hope she can get home OK. I could have been with her, but then we would have had to go to the grocery store and run other errands after she finished with the doctor. That would only have made it worse. Instead, I ran the errands while she went to the doctor. Now I am home and she is absent.
Last week we had a winter storm. After several days the snow melted to reveal these early spring flowers, I call them Snowdrops. Now; a fine, cold snow is falling on them again.