Blog Bleating
The blog people must think that what they place on the web has relevance. That they influence decisions of public officials. That they bring entertainment to the masses. That they are unique in the annals of history.
In the words of Walt Kelly, over 40 years ago, the author of one of the most relevant comic strips of all time, Pogo, "I have heard hiccupping fits with more meaning."
To paraphrase Wendy Carlos, the artist of Switched on Bach, "Enabling is not the same as empowering." In other words, the blog people have a forum, but most can say nothing relevant since they are illiterate.
The desire to publish personal agonies has been with us always. The ancient Egyptians carved their thoughts on monuments which still speak to us. The Greek playwrights released their thoughts in plays. The essential feature of the renaissance man was his drive to let others know his thoughts. The Victorian era had newspapers with agony columns. The newspapers and periodicals of our day have letters to the editors and paid columnists that write unreadable blogs about nonsensical things.
So what is this new found need of the masses to blog on the web? Of what significance is the disparate deluge of bad English bleats to be found on the blogs? No individual can read more than a few hundred a day, and only one out of a million can have any original and useful content. What a waste of effort; as useless as flowers printed on toilet paper.