Family Service Pre WW II
A 17-year-old serviceman, my Uncle Daniel Steppe. My father
and brother Daniel joined the army about Fall, 1933. They were sent to the
Panama Canal Zone. Dad was given a medical discharge and I guess Daniel
finished his tour of duty in Panama. Many family members did double duty
service; during WW II Daniel served in the U S Navy.
Nancy Steppe
The only family member I know of that served prior to or
during WW I was Frank Laymond Steppe, brother of my grandfather Cleveland. Here
is Frank (on the right, the one with the Steppe nose) and a friend from
Baltimore on the deck of one of Uncle Sam’s big gun battleships; about 1912.
Rubye J Lane, 2nd Lt., ANC. Rubye died young
while serving in the Army Nursing Corps, in Tientsin, China, in 1933. Note the
U S Army insignia on her lapels.