Winter Snows 2009-2010 page 1

The snows started Dec 18, 2009. The last one we had ended Feb 10, 2010. Here is a summary of the main snows.

Dec 19, 10.4 inches
Dec 20,   9.1 inches

Jan 30, 10.8 inches

Feb 5,    8.7 inches
Feb 6,    1.2 inches

Feb 9,    3.5 inches
Feb10,   1.1 inches

Counting the small snows not listed above we have a total of 48.7 inches. The figures are from the Lynchburg weather station which is 10 miles away from our house. I believe we got several inches more here than the official figure.

This sunset picture was taken on the road to Margaret's daughter Connie, Dec 26. The picture was taken from inside the car so is marred by reflections from the windshield. The snow which can be seen fairly well beside the road is still on the ground from the first big snow.