Our Country House

When my mother died I inherited her home. It had come into the Waller family from the Bailey Family and she had grown up in the home. My father always loved the country, so they bought the house and half of the farm when Grandfather Waller died. While mother was alive, and for a couple of years after, the family used the home for holiday gatherings. Here are pictures of these gatherings, and of the home in general. Now my son and his family live in the house.

The stock barn. Ice cycles hang from the roof.

This farm bell was owned by my grandfather Len Waller.

This is a chicken coop made of logs and covered with the tin roof my father salvaged from a barn that has fallen down.

My father built this outdoor fireplace from the rocks of the original fireplace chimneys. Rocks like these are not found on the farm, so they must have been transported from some nearby creek or river bed. That is Margaret in the picture.