Since Margaret has been sick we have received many items of food from many neighbors. Some items we got before Margaret got sick are shown on other recipe pages. This page is for the bean soup that Timberlake neighbor Jessie Reach brought to us.
Bean Soup is extra appetizing on a cold winter day with snow from last week still on the ground. That is a "Rifflet" in the spoon.
Here is the recipe. I had never heard of "Rifflets" and wondered what I was eating before I got the recipe.
Here is some good Banana Cake that Jessie brought us.
I first tasted the Bean Soup from neighbor Chip Loving when he had some from Jessie and let us sample it. Then when I wanted to buy a Timberlake Calendar I got it from Jessie and ended up with calendars, some more Bean Soup, some Banana Cake and the Bean Soup recipe.