I met my future wife Margaret in a nightclub. The girlfriend she was with invited me to her home for a holiday party the following evening. The friend's husband was from Belgium and had mixed a bowl of this punch for the party. A lot of people, including Margaret, got happy real quick at the party. Here is the recipe that he gave me for the punch.
Triple Sec (Luroux)
Gran Marnier
Mandarin Napoleon
Champaign Brut
Rum (Barcardi white)
Can of cherries
One half gallon orange juice, unsweetened
Most amounts are not given. I assume that about a 750 ml bottle is needed for each liquor, except for the Champaign, where two or three bottles are needed. The cherries are probably Maraschino cherries, about a pint.
You will need an extra large punch bowl and a couple hundred dollars for this recipe. Have designated drivers ready.
This Anchor Hocking punch bowl will hold about two gallons. Even so, you may need to place some of the punch in the refrigerator on reserve.