An Invitation
Here is a postcard, an invitation, from cousin Irma Waller
to mom’s cousin Lottie Layne, written on a Friday morn, Sep 8 1933. Note that
it is postmarked Friday PM and could have been delivered the same day or
Saturday morn. Thus a couple of teenagers could plan a Saturday party on a
Friday morn, and get invitations to their friends through the mail for the
party by the next day. The postal service is not that fast today, year 2001.
Note that the address is Long Island and that the canceling PO is Long Island.
Irma lived at Cody, which is not far from Long Island. The other people invited
are brothers and sisters of Lottie. They are reminded, “Of course you can bring
your special too”
Linda Moore
Lottie Lane has saved the card and used the address side to
make a couple of Biblical lists, many years latter