Mount Vernon Baptist Church
The Constitution of the church was adopted on October 20,
1832. An 1858 roll lists my great-great grandparents as members: James and
Martha Step and James and Elizabeth Layne. Land was given in 1868 to relocate
the church. James Step was one trustee receiving the land.
John D Stepp was buried behind the church in 1905 and Emma
Layne, wife of J D Steppe and R W Farris, was buried there in 1944. Maggie
Jordan, daughter of John and Emma, planted a “Tree of Life” between the
headstones. The family had to journey to the mountains of Virginia to dig it
The church as it is today, it is near Concord in Campbell
Tombstones of Emma and John; the “Tree of Life” grows
between them.
Bark and leaves from the tree show that it is probably an
Eastern Hemlock.